miðvikudagur, nóvember 23, 2005

Striking News

This is my blog nr. 100 and here are the News:

The weekend before last I had a night out with Fredy, Rosa, Julio Cesar (no joke), Silvia, and Paméla from the school. They are all teachers except Paméla who is the secretary. After dinner we went to a karaoke bar. A funny experience. Everybody is sitting down and the mic is brought to you when it is your turn to sing and you pay 25 cents for each song. So for two hours I listened to songs in spanish with an ocational Beatles song thrown in the mix , courtesy of yours truely. Then in the end of each song you are graded. Our neighbours at the next tabel had bought a tequila bouttle and were quite generous;). After that we went to a Peña bar (bar with live local music) and danced until 3 in the morning... good fun. Apart from studying all last week, We celabrated Julio Cesars´ birthday last friday...which almost got out of hand in the end...NOT FOR ME! I always behave at parties as you well know;). Saturday I was supposed to go to Laguna de Cuicocha with Fredy (a volcano crater with a lake and two islands) but Fredy was to hungover to make it so we went sunday instead. It was a great trip but hard, five hours of walking around the crater. A beautiful day and beautiful view. It was possible to see 4 volcanos from there. After the walk we took a camioneta (A Pick Up truck where you sit in the back with 4-10 other ppl.) down to the village at about 80-9o km an hour...I was holding on to my hat all the way! It was shortly after dinner that I went to sleep dead tired but not for long as I got a stomac pain and a headache that lasted thru the night and made me stay home sick the next day. Tuesday I was ready to rock and roll again and went to school again.
You are probably still wondering about the title "Striking News"(A title I borrowed from my brother Sverrir) and waiting for some big motherf..... news. Well here they are:
I found out that the assholes that mugged my in Costa Rica probably managed to us my danish credit card in the short time that passed before I could close it. It seems that they called or used the internet to book a flight to Florid! costing my no less than $1100 US!!!! As all the problems I have had in this trip were not enough!!! What have I done to deserve to deserve this!!!. I`ll maybe be able to get this money back but not until I get back to Denmark so this makes a serious dent in my travelplans. I`m still waiting for my Mastercard to arrive from Denmark and well, considering the problems I have had, I´m crossing my fingers.
Well enough for you to chew on for now.
Hasta la bastards!
I`m seriously thinking of taking the advice of my friend Halli and changing my email adress to nonninotsocoolanymore@hotmail.com
take care and write soon :)

Laguna de Cuicocha


At 1:58 f.h., Blogger Sverrir Friðriksson said...

That sucks more abs!

At 3:19 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Ég veit ég á ekki að gera grín að þessu en ég held að þetta hafi verið skilaboð til þín um að nota bara miðann og fara til Flórída. Ég hef komið þangað og það var geggjað fjör. Svo eru golfvellir á hverju strái! Svo er ég með spurningu? Hvert á maður eiginlega að senda pakka?


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