Puerto Madryn, 28.11.2007Our next day in Miramar (loosely translated: Ocean view). We split up for a couple of hours as I wanted to check out the only Links type golf course in South America. I rented a golf set and headed to the first tee. There I met up with two old Argentinian golfers who graciously invited me to play with them. It was a lot of fun but I am not going to go into my performance here, it is strictly on a need to know basis ;). Coming back to the waiting wife, we headed out for Dinner in the very welcoming Soso's. A Sicilian restaurant owned by two brothers. On our last day the chef presented us with 4 very nice table mats as a souvenirs. Our third day, we visited Vivero dunícola Florentino Ameghino. 5.02 km² of woodland that is very popular for ppl. to go on weekend picnics as well as it includes the Bosque Energetico. A strange patch of apparently dead trees that make strange noises. the branches also have the strange quality to stick to each other. You can easily stick a branch into the ground and balance another one horizontally on top of it. It is a mystical place that also has been associated with witches and UFO sightings. uuuuuh! Our last day in Miramar we took a bus 30 minute drive to the neighbouring and nice sounding Mar del Sur. We planned to spend the most of the day there but when we arrived it turned out to be mostly consisting of one main street leading down to the beach. Everything except one restaurant was closed because of it not being the season yet and we could see the whole place in little less than 15 minutes. Its only interesting thing was an enormous (now run down and abandoned) hotel that was build in the 19th century by a German banker (and an optimistic one I might add). We then met a local guy who spoke very good English as he had been living in the US for some years and he told us about a piece of land there, that he had been trying to sell for the last 4 years. He offered it to us for the measly sum of 40.000 dollars. We politely declined his good offer and 2 hours after arriving we were back on the bus to Miramar. Where we packed and headed off to catch our night bus to Puerto Madrin.
Long distance buses in Argentina are very comfortable, you can get a "coche cama" where your seat will almost turn into a bed and they also serve food. This is very necessary for the long drives we take in this huge country.
The ride to Puerto Madryn took us about 15 hours and you will hear all about our stay there next. :)
pasta luego,
p.s. photos later.
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