föstudagur, desember 02, 2005

Walk this way!

Now...where was I...Last week was very nice. Apart from studying I went to cafés, Played scrabble (crusigrama) with Laerke and Ida (the danish girls who are staying at "my" casa), and learned how to juggle. Last weekend we walked up to Fuya Fuya (4250m high volcano). I went with Laerke and Ida and a German couple from the school. It was a pretty steep walk up and we had to take a lot of breaks before reaching the top after 2 hours and 15 minutes. The view from the top was fantastic (picture,above), we could see 5 other volcanos. Imbaburra, Cayambe, Cotacachi, Cotopaxi and Antisana. The trip down was easier. Sunday, the same team went to Laguna de Cuicocha (picture,below). Second time for me but worth it ..a great walk. This time I walked around the whole crater for the first time and it took about 6 hours, with breaks. This time was also different because we saw three condors!!! Amazing!! Also about half way through the trip, two policemen passed us. We found out that two days earlier there had been an armed robbery on the trail. A guy with a gun had robbed some tourists walking the trail. The first thing I thought was..."and it was not me!!!" My luck must be turning ;). (7-9-13).
This week has been more or less with out adventure. Last night we had a big dinner at the school. Students from Holland made a special dutch meal that I can not for the love of god remember what was called even though they told us about one hundrad times. But it was good, I had two helpings and it took me about 5 hours to recover from this extream overeating. Some of us went to dance afterwards in a small bar/café close by. Hard to dance with your stomac full of....eh...whatsitsname. I went to bed around 1 in the morning. To night we are going to a kareoke bar (again) and ahead is another weekend of walking.

I have had some trobles uploading pictures on the net using the msn as I have been doing...if you know of a easy way, other then msn, then please let me know!!!
There are few new pictures from Cuba om my Travel Pictures link. But it just takes too long to opload them one by one like that. Entonces....no muchas fotos.


At 6:50 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Hello Jónny boi ... :)
Nice to hear your luck is turning. Regarding the image upload, I suggest the www.flickr.com, it's free and just plain great, most important, it's not owned by evil Micro$oft!

All the best to you from freezing Denmark

At 11:42 e.h., Blogger Sverrir Friðriksson said...

That doesn't suck abs!

Ok þessi er að verða doldið gamall. En hvenær á að koma á netið næst og skæpast?


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