A Bigger Bang at Copacabana beach

Shortly after arriving in Rio there happend to be a free consert with none other than the Rolling Stones at Copacabana beach. Of course there was no way that I would miss this opportunity to see four old geesers jumping around on stage like 20 year olds. It is quite an experience to go to a consert with more than one million people I must say!(some sources say it was all in all 1.5 million ppl). However, this was not the biggest consert ever as some might think. In 1994 the biggest consert ever was held at the same place and can you guess who was performing?.....Non other than ROD STEWART!! Anyways, me, Marcella and two of her friends took the metro to the consert and as we came to the beach we found out that we were right behind the stage. So we, a little foolishly perhaps, tried to go past it to get to a better place. Suddenly we were just outside the hotel where The Stones were staying (they had a ramp going from the hotel to the stage) and they happend to come out on the balcony and all went nuts....people were screaming "calma calma! don´t panic" but that only seamed to make things worse...we seperated into pairs and me and Marcellas friend Lisasha managed to get out of crowd and breath again after having all the air squeesed out of us it was a pretty scary experience especially in over 30°C. Half an hour later we met up with Marcella and her friend at the subway station where there was a meating point. We then walked far from the stage and watched the consert on a big screen wich was quite nice and the sound was very good. After the consert (which ended with "Satisfaction", making 1.5 million ppl. go crazy) we found a bar and waited for 2 hours before venturing back home with the subway. I seamed to be relatively well controlled by 10.000 policemen and no-one got hurt.
thats it for now...next: Ilha Grande
var thetta svona "near death experience?"
næstum trampadur til dauda?
Oi, Nonni!!
Foi muito bom curtir o show dos Rolling Stones.
Apesar do "empurra-empurra"
Suas fotos estão lindas!
(a baixinha)
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