All roads lead to......the next.

Now, finally, it should be more intersting to read my blog as now starts the longest travelling part of my trip.
The last days in Quito were uneventful and the flight to Santiago was pretty normal apart from the fact that I had to fly to Bogotà,Colombia to catch my flight to Santiago (two hours north to fly almost six hours south). Santiago (photo above) was nice..I was staying in an OK hostal in the center (placa de Armas) called Navetierra. I walked around the city and went to the park Metropolitan with a nice couple from France, Celine and Pierre, that I met at the ascensor (A kind of a lift thet runs up the hill). All around the town were ppl waving flags with pictures of the two presidential candidates. A man: Sebastian Pinera, and a woman
:Michelle Bachelet. If she is elected she will be the first woman president in chile. The election is tomorrow Sunday.
Yesterday I went to Valparaiso (photo below) and spend the day there with Celine and Pierre. Valparaiso is a very intersting city. It is on the pacific coast and spreads up into the hills. They have lot of ascensores there because of the many steep hills.

After a short stop in Viña del Mar (the twin town of Valparaiso) I headed back to Santiago. The next day I took the train (the only train left in all of Chile) to Temuco. The nine hours felt like four or five hours. There was lots of space in the half emty train and looking at the beautiful landscape and blasting icelandic music (Sàlin hans Jòns Mìns & Quarasi) and spanish music (Juanes & Oreja de Van Goch) on my CD player, made for a very enjoyable mix.
I arrived at 19:30 at the train-station in Temuco and got a hostel just outside of the center. The hostal is near a big moll where there is a cinema where I am going to night to see King Kong :). Tomorrow, as I do not have the right to vote, I am going to visit Parque National Conguillio.
I must say that I really like it here in the south of Chile...the weather is like on a very nice summersday in Iceland. It is also interesting to notice how the landscape is kind of like driving from spain north through france, into germany and ending up in the south of sweden!! I look forward to arriving in "Norway" next week.;).
hasta pronto
If you don't allready know the colombian band Juanes then I highly recommend that you check it out right now!!!!!
Heill Jon, alltaf gaman ad lesa bloggid thitt. Eg er bu stodd i USA, segi ther fra thvi seinna. En andsk... var ad vona ad thu vaerir kominn fyrir Thorrablot i Kbh. En gott ad pin nr thitt er komid og thu getir farid ad nota peninga. Allveganna hlakka eg til ad hitta thig og heyra meira. Gledilegt ar og gangi ther vel med sidasta afangann. knus
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