Ilha Grande

After a rocking Rolling weekend in Rio me and Marcella went to an island about 4 hours from Rio (2½ hours by bus 1½ hour with a boat) to relax and regain strenght before the carnaval. It was very nice with beautiful beaches, nice hiking and basically great fun with great people.
The best way to describe Ilha Grande and our stay there is with pictures:

Arriving in Ilha Grande a small village (the only village on the island) that gets overpopulated during the holliday season. During the Carnaval weekend there were so many people that some of them were camping on the beach which is forbidden so they were send home with the next boat.

Going by boat is a pretty common way to get around over there. Here is the Ilha Grande gang: (from the left)Marcella,Daniella,Clayton(from Brazil),Kathrine and Chris(from Edinburgh,Scotland).

Trecking can be very hard in 35 degrees celcius with almost 100% humidity.

Maybe it is better to chill at a nice beach (Lopez Mendes) with a good book. (If you think I am very white on this picture it is just because the light hits me in a certain way) ;) The sand was the whitest sand I have ever seen, and when you walked in it, it made a sound like when you walk in dense snow.

It can also be nice to relax at the nearst local bar ...

Even if you have to take a boat to get there.

On the way to the green lagoon to do some snorkling.

A watermelon salesman going from one boat to the next.

Sailing into the sunset.
That night we had a great night out and some of us had way too much caiperinha ;)
The next day it was back to the mainland to get ready for the biggest party in the world.
Next: Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro
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