föstudagur, apríl 28, 2006

About love - and my 15 minutes!

Just a wee pause in the travel story. Even though I have now been back in Europe since the 10th of March there is still some things to tell from Rio and the splendor of that city. So you have something to look forward to :).
Anyway, I have been busy since I came back. First, a week after my return in Copenhagen, my girlfriend came to visit me from New Zealand. Yes...for those who did not know, I now have a girlfriend. Her name is Kathleen Carroll and she is from Scotland (photo above). We met in Argentina in January and it was love at first sight :).
She came to Copenhagen in March and stayed there for 3 weeks. We also took a 4 day trip to Scotland to surprise her mother for mothers day (and boy was she surprised) and to see the rest of her family members. That was actually my 5th visit to Scotland and I loved every minute of it:).
On the 4th of April she went back to New Zealand to continue her travels but will return in August.:)
I headed back to Iceland around the middle of April. Since I have been back I have been taking part in a short play (photo left) that will be staged in Borgarleikhúsið (a big theater in Reykjavik) on a short play festival friday the 5th of April along with 12 other plays. I have also had my interview taken by the newspaper Bladid (because of my travels) and for the same reason will be interviewed for the Radio station KissFm on May the 4th. Tuesday I go back to work in the reception at Hotel Reynihlid in Myvatnsveit, the same hotel where I was working last summer and you are all welcome to visit me there:)
Hasta la pasta amigos :)


At 11:16 e.h., Blogger Patzy said...

Hvar í skotlandi býr daman?

At 6:29 e.h., Blogger Nonni said...

Hún er frá Motherwell rétt sunnan við Glasgow. :)

At 2:09 f.h., Blogger Bjorgvin said...

halló halló!

testing one two three.....

Vonandi hefur thú thad gott and say hi to Kathleen :)

verd í bandi ef ég kem nordur í sumar :)
(en gruna thad sterklega ad ég haldi mig fyrir sunnan)

At 11:26 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

ertu kominn á Hótel Reynihlíð?? ef svo er þá bið ég að heilsa -ÖLLUM!!:) hehe.. ég kem til með að kíkja á ykkur í sumar - alveg POTTÞÉTT!:)


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