laugardagur, mars 15, 2008

Etosha National Park

As we arrived to Etosha National Park we started our first Game drive. Amongst the animals we saw were Giraffes, Springbok, Gemsbok, and Orix. It was a short drive up to tha camping place that was situated right next to a watering hole where the animals would come to drink. Unfortunately for us it was the beginning of the rainyseason so there were a lot of watering holes elsewere so the animals did not have to come there. At the hole we only saw springbok and some jackals. We even took turns being on shift that night but not much happend. The next day however, things began to happen. Just after leaving the camp grounds we sighted our first lions.
At first we saw three quite far but then we saw a male and a female walking towards the truck and then crossing the road about 5 meters in front of the truck. Quite a sight to see lions in the wild I can tell you. The lions even had a short "romantic moment" practically in front of the truck or "confortable times" as they call it over here;). That day we also saw Zebras, gemsbok, springbok, wilderbeast, Orix, giraffs, ground squirrels, and vultures. The highpoint of the day came though when Brian yelled: "Look! an Elephant!". this was the moment everybody had been waiting for and it was all that we thought it would be. What an amazing animal. we first saw just one but then another a bit closer. We would see lodes of elefants at close range later on in the. but the first time is just incredible.


At 1:50 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Informative blog. I observed different important facts of the Etosha national park. Thanks for sharing. Along with this article, I would like to share some facts about the hammerhead sharks habitat which are a group of sharks that form the family sphyrnidae.


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