þriðjudagur, júlí 05, 2005

Dollar For Dollar

Well well, I have been planning to make a slight alteration in my webpage. I was thinking of doing it when I go to South America but might as well do it now. Have you realised what it is yet? Yes you are right: I'm gonna write in english! I have some friends in Denmark and elsewhere in the world who might even be tempted to visit my webpage once in a while if they could understand what the hell I was writing about (also I do almost anything to get some extra comments ;).
Anyways, it's been a hard days night and I have been working lika a dog; So I will be glad to go home after this shift.
I´m working more hours here than back in old Denmark (184-192 instead of 133 a month) but I'm also getting more money. I got payed about 14.000 D.kr instead the usual 11.000 D.kr. In Denmark I then had to pay about 3300 D.kr in rent and for food in a month...say...just about 2700. That would leave me with about 5000 D.kr per month. Here I have already payed the rent and food for the whole month and that leaves my with....jeps, you guessed it! 14.000 D.kr. This will make it easier for me to save up enough money for my big trip to South America in Oktober. :)

On another note, I managed to get myself a handicap this week. Don´t worry I´m not hurt in anyway. It´s a golf handicap. I joined the golf club here in Mývatnssveit and after beeing in one tournament I got a handicap "30" (which I personally find a bit low but hey...what the heck).
For those of you that do not have a clue as what a golf handicap is, and want to know more about it, click here.



At 12:37 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

halló sæti minn...er svo stollt af þér .......ætla sko að geyma plötunna á góðum stað ...þangað til seinna meir sko árituð og allt........vonandi hittumst við sem fyrst .....knús og kossar lovjú honey.....


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